Dr. Chase Cunningham - Cybersecurity News

September 6, 2023 with Dr. ZeroTrust

The Top Things to Know About Cybersecurity and Zero Trust

Hi reader,

Stay informed about the latest cybersecurity news with this weekly update. Dr. Chase Cunningham aka Dr. Zero Trust, shares the top ten things you need to know in cybersecurity this week.

  • US Air Force details their years long plan for ZT

  • SEC cyber rules go into effect

  • Achieving max security with zero trust

  • 60% of hacks are attributed to easily addressable issues

  • Global threat intelligence report by BlackBerry

  • BYOD is here to stay

  • How to get budget for cyber

  • Effect of cybersecurity controls on hospitals and patient care

  • UK election system failed cybersecurity measures

  • Additional requirements for state and local election security

Stay smart and secure by staying updated on these key cybersecurity trends.

Stay tuned for more updates on the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape.

The CybersecurityHQ Team